M+T Industrial Services, Metall + Technik GmbH
Address: A-4484 Kronstorf, Hauptstraße 78
Telephone: +43 (0) 7225 86255
Fax: +43 (0) 7225 86255-20
Commercial register number: FN 329393b
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Steyr
UID: ATU65106235
Chamber: Austrian Chamber of Commerce
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MT Industrieservice, Metall + Technik GmbH; CEO: Josef Birklbauer, Hauptstraße 78, A-4484 Kronstorf | All rights reserved.
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MT Industrieservice, Metall + Technik GmbH; Managing Director: Josef Birklbauer, Hauptstraße 78, A-4484 Kronstorf | All rights reserved.
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